Monday, February 25, 2013


 Ebb, a very cool shop nestled between antique
shops and restaurants in the quaint borough of Hopewell, NJ, is now home to about 70 pieces of my jewelry and such. Ebb, owned by Jody Olcott, is a cozy little shop filled with unique gifts. The store's walls are lined with handmade jewelry, knitted accessories, home furnishings and similar one of a kind items.
I guarantee that most people who visit ebb, will leave with a shopping bag! I certainly did!
Ebb is synonymous with love and art and I am proud to be part of it.
                                    Leather, copper & sterling                                            
 Sponge coral, turquoise
with sterling silver and leather
 Just a few pics of some displays in ebb. My pieces are displayed throughout the shop.

Knitted and crocheted accessories handmade by another local artist.

 Bead on......

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